Frightful or Delightful?


…frightful or delightful?

As many of you know, my husband and I recently moved from Southern California to the beautiful state of Utah. We’ve been here now for almost 8 months, and we are absolutely loving it here! I don’t know that I’ve ever lived in a place where the people are so genuinely friendly and kind. And did I mention the beauty…??

Looking out of my office window, I have a spectacular view of the Uintas Mountains. Here is a recent picture:

This week, we are expecting our first real snowfall here in Salt Lake City. We had a brief dusting on October 12th (yikes!). Since then, however, it’s been unseasonably warm- in fact, this past week saw most days with highs in the mid-to-upper 50’s. Not bad for the first week of December! That’s about to change…

I spent the last almost 20 years living in the warmth and beauty of Orange County, California, and thought I’d never leave that state. Life does indeed have a wry sense of humor sometimes, doesn’t it? As I looked ahead at the forecast for this coming week- a low of 12°- I’ve had to have several conversations with myself about how I perceived this dramatic change in climate.

But therein lies the beauty. EVERYTHING is perception. How I CHOOSE to think about a thing determines the quality of my life. And yours. Where in your life is there an opportunity to make a different choice, to radically challenge YOUR thinking about a thing? What’s the ‘cold weather albatross’ hanging around your neck that’s keeping you stuck, preventing your quantum leap, trapping you in a thinking prison of your own making? There is a different choice to be made, you know. It’s your SuperPower…

And while this weather analogy might be perceived to be an overly simplistic one, given all the many hardships people are facing around the globe, don’t underestimate the power in the principle. Circumstances are temporary. How you think about a thing determines the quality and the course of the rest of your life. Choose wisely.

So I CHOOSE to embrace Utah in all its’ configurations. I AM enjoying the transition to colder weather, and I DO look forward to the first big snow of the winter season! I’ll share an updated picture of these same mountains when they have been DELIGHTFULLY dusted with snow…

You get to choose…frightful or delightful?

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Deb Dredden

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