Reboot Part 5: How to Ensure Your Reboot Sticks!

Congratulations! Over these past few days you’ve done the initial challenging work of honest self-examination about what really matters in your life. You’ve created ideas about what you’d like your future to look like, and you’ve identified specific things, circumstances, or even people that should be removed from your life, because they are detrimental to your future vision.

You’ve also created some initial action steps that you know you CAN take, to move you in the direction you want to go. So what’s next? How can you ensure that you will be successful in your life reboot?

Yesterday I shared with you some of the key reasons why people fail in their attempts to change:

  • You are confined and defined by your habits
  • You identify with those habits and are stuck in your dream-killing comfort zone
  • Your routines and habits have payoffs- what gets rewarded gets repeated

So while you’ve taken a huge step in this reboot process so far, if you want to create LASTING CHANGE in your life, you must embrace this fact:


What do I mean by ‘thinking differently’? That habit trap that’s keeping you stuck in results you don’t want stems directly from what you believe to be true about yourself and your life. Until your beliefs change, nothing will change. What changes your beliefs? Your thoughts.

Every single thing in the universe was a thought before it became a thing. The repetitive thoughts you choose to believe about yourself and what’s possible- or not possible- become what you believe. And your beliefs are evident in your actions, and your actions create your results. To change the results you’re getting that you don’t want, you have to change your thoughts about what you do want. In other words, to change the fruit, you have to change the root!

“You aren’t what you think you are, but what you think, you are!” ~Rick Warren

Being completely transparent, this is where the real hard work begins to permanently reboot your life. And it will take time. After all, your current thinking and B.S.- your belief system- didn’t develop overnight. Breaking a lifetime of thinking that doesn’t serve you won’t happen overnight either.

But you CAN start today to think differently about who you are and what you want from this very short time on our planet. What if what you want from this life is the opposite of what you believe to be possible? What if the script you’ve been playing in your head all these years was suddenly and consistently replaced by a script that described the FUTURE YOU and the life you would love to have as if it was already happening? What if you decided to starve the stinkin’ thinkin’ and began feeding the script of the healthy, wealthy YOU you want to be?

Now you can be skeptical and delete this email and call it mumbo jumbo and go back to life as you know it, in spite of literally millions of examples of transformational thinking that changes lives. Yep, you could make that choice. But ask yourself, how have your choices been working out for you up until now?

How do you change your thinking? I’ll dive into that in the very near future, but you can start with this exercise:

Be intentional about choosing thoughts that serve you, and serve others.

You can’t always control what thoughts pop into your head, but you CAN control what thoughts you CHOOSE to entertain and believe. Flip the script. Be relentless in allowing only nourishing, empowering, uplifting, energizing, creative thoughts to become your beliefs about what’s possible. Sound difficult? It is. But consider the alternative.

If you’re looking for structured support to help you create the results you want faster, and if you’re ready to become one of the very few Clients I work with on a 1:1 basis, click here to schedule your discovery call with me: Book Your Discovery Session Here

You always have a choice. It’s your superpower!

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Deb Dredden

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